February 10 St. Scholastica
A famous story about these twins goes like this.St. Benedict was visiting his sister at her convent.He was sharing with her the joys of heaven.When it became late, Benedict said he had to leave.His sister begged him to stay, but he felt he had to refuse.She bowed her head into his hands in prayer.When she rose again, a storm suddenly arose forcing Benedict to stay and carry on the conversation.Three days after Benedict left, Scholastica died.A dove rose from her signifying her spirit flying to heaven.
Although we have already had a saint this week, I didn’t want to miss St. Scholastica. If I am at the library around this time, I pick up a book there by Tomie dePaolo called The Holy Twins.One day, I hope to own my own copy—but I know exactly where this one is located at the community library—almost like its mine!
If you haven't guessed from the title of the book, St. Scholastica was a twin with St. Benedict. She started a convent down the road from Benedict's. to do: Make an orgami dove to recall her death. http://www.origami-make.com/traditional-origami-dove/page-14.php |