When sending out the cash to the graduates on your list, why not also give them a book? You've heard those grim statistics about the high percentage of college students losing their faith, so why not plant a small seed. More importantly let the graduate know that you will pray for them--and do so at your next rosary. Here are some great book suggestions to get you started. (Just Google the title, or better yet, purchase at your local Catholic book store) This list is from 10 years ago, so please read the latest reviews. I still like a lot of these, but I'm sure there are some newer ones that might be better.
Letters to a Young Catholic--George Weigel Magnificat Gift Subcription Disorientation: How to Go to College Without Losing Your MInd The New Catholic Answer Bible Youcat Here. Now. A Catholic Guide to the Good Life Blessed are the Bored in Spirit Rediscovering Catholicism Be a Man: Becoming the Man God Meant You to Be The Notre Dame Prayer Book A Teen's Game Plan for Life--by Lou Holtz (famous Football coach) Ready for College--Michael Pennock Holy Goals for Body and Soul--(for sports enthusiasts) Moving Forward: Staying Catholic in College (from Lifeteen) Your CollegeFaith Own It--by Matt and Colleen Swaim
Also check out the books at DynamicCatholic.com. They have many great titles that you can buy pretty inexpensively in bulk. You can get 6 books for the price of 1 or 2.
Other suggestions I have gotten: The Young Man's Guide: Counsels, Reflections and Prayers for Catholic Young Men By Rev. Francis Xavier Lasance
The Catholic Girl's Guide: Counsels & Devotions for Girls in the Ordinary Walks of Life by Rev. Francis Xavier Lasance
Finding True Happiness (& other books in series) by Robert J. Spitzer, S.J.
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
Before I Go: Letters to Our Children About What Really Matters by Peter Kreeft
Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing by Soren Kieerkegard
This is my go-to book this year for the female graduates in my life.
I've not bought any of these for graduates, yet, but when I need to, I think I'll make this my go-to for males. (Although, as a female, I like it, too.)