November 1 All Saints Day
Participate in an All Saints Day Party! (Or have one yourself.) I think we learned the most about the saints when my children were choosing which saint they wanted to be for All Saints Day.
But even if you aren't having a party or even dressing up, your family can still celebrate this great church feastSomething to Eat:
A great dessert! Our family has the tradition of having Fall Favorites like Pumpkin cake and Apple Crisp. You could also have any of the Saint's themed foods from the rest of the year. There are many ideas for saint cookies and cakes using images from many different saints. Time consuming, yes, but pretty cool. I'm of the variety of making a cupcake and sticking a holy card on the top. There are traditional foods that are for All Souls Day that some folks eat on this day.I will mention those for All Soul’s Day. If we are having a party, we usually have a cake walk (a strong tradition at fall festivals in the south!) The winners, instead of taking home a cake, get a cupcake. Something to Do: If I get to a Catholic bookstore, I will purchase a new Saint Book for our family library. There are so many great ones out there. I collect all of our saint books in a basket and put them in our family room around this time. Discuss these with your family: Whose feast do we celebrate on All Saint’s Day? Do you have to be famous to be a saint? Do you really think you are able to become a saint or is it just reserved for a few privileged folks? Discuss the Beatitudes. Which one are you best at? Which one needs improvement? Here is what Pope Francis says a Saint is: “The saints are men and women who have joy in their hearts and spread it to others. Never hating, but serving the other, is the greatest need. To pray and to live in joy: this is the way of sanctity!” How are you doing with his definition? Something to Pray: Litany of All Saints (It is long—but use that as a reminder of really how many saints there are in heaven—and this doesn’t even scratch the surface.) I've printed it out in the PDF version of this. If you print that out you will have a copy to use at your dinner table. You can also find it here: |