November 30 St. ANdrew
There are many saints whose feasts days we celebrate throughout
Advent. We start with St. Andrew, one of the 12 disciples. He was a
fisherman and had a very heroic death on a cross the shape of an x. For
this reason, the x-shaped cross is called the St. Andrew cross. It is
featured on the flag of Scotland, one of the countries of which he is the
patron saint.
To Eat: It would be very appropriate to have fish on this evening.
(Or if you are not fish fans—you could have Pepperidge Farm Goldfish
floating in your soup.) Serve any dessert with a frosting/whipped crème/chocolate etc. “X” on it
To Pray:
St. Andrew Prayer:
O glorious St. Andrew, you were the first to recognize and follow the Lamb of God. With your friend, St. John, you remained with Jesus for that first day, for your entire life, and now throughout eternity. As you led your brother, St. Peter, to Christ and many others after him, draw us also to Him. Teach us to lead others to Christ solely out of love for Him and dedication in His service. Help us to learn the lesson of the Cross and to carry our daily crosses without complaint so that they may carry us to Jesus. Amen.
Advent. We start with St. Andrew, one of the 12 disciples. He was a
fisherman and had a very heroic death on a cross the shape of an x. For
this reason, the x-shaped cross is called the St. Andrew cross. It is
featured on the flag of Scotland, one of the countries of which he is the
patron saint.
To Eat: It would be very appropriate to have fish on this evening.
(Or if you are not fish fans—you could have Pepperidge Farm Goldfish
floating in your soup.) Serve any dessert with a frosting/whipped crème/chocolate etc. “X” on it
To Pray:
St. Andrew Prayer:
O glorious St. Andrew, you were the first to recognize and follow the Lamb of God. With your friend, St. John, you remained with Jesus for that first day, for your entire life, and now throughout eternity. As you led your brother, St. Peter, to Christ and many others after him, draw us also to Him. Teach us to lead others to Christ solely out of love for Him and dedication in His service. Help us to learn the lesson of the Cross and to carry our daily crosses without complaint so that they may carry us to Jesus. Amen.